Clark's War on Democracy Date
14th April 2008
Clark's War on Democracy.
Republican Leader Kerry Bevin claims that the PM is so desperate to hold power that her record of manipulation, corruption, repression, and lies, amount to a war on democracy.
Referring to a letter written by Clark he said "the PM has a shown complete contempt for the democratic process"
Like leaders who have been there too long, she seems to think it is OK to abuse the people she was elected to serve.
"In an indecent haste to stop National from gaining power she happily tramples on tax payers, sacrifices manufacturing jobs, promotes slave labour, erodes quality standards, discounts value added products, and ignores human rights, all to woo National voters. I am talking about the FTA with China that makes a joke of trade reciprocity, and undermines the wisdom of diversification," said Mr Bevin.
"No wonder this desperate Government, also embarrassment by a rogue Foreign Mnister is unravelling. It has delivered other idiocies, like parent criminals for smacking, and MP's who remain to represent nobody, the republican continued.
The Republic of NZ Party's 5 Ways Forwards incorporates Trade Reciprocity in its Centrenomics plank and socially responsible in its Family Restored plank. Our Aim is economic balance in trade and social stability in families
"Free trade is nonsense"
"Some protectionism is necessary."
"The foundation of Family is essential.
"Some restoration is needed"
Continued social and economic irresponsibility can no longer be tolerated, and it is time to vote Clark's Government on its way.