Support for Waihopai ANZAC Ploughshares
From: Peace Movement Aotearoa
30 April 2008
Following on from our message earlier this morning, 'ANZAC Ploughshares deflate Waihopai spy dome', below is information about how you can support Ploughshares Aotearoa.
Ploughshares Aotearoa needs a range of support: prayer, advocacy and money are all important ways that supporters can participate in the witness of Ploughshares.
Prayer: Karakia for peace, revelation and discernment are all essential prayers that people of faith can join us in.
Advocacy: We need people to learn and share more about the business and politics of war - to expose the powers that support the domination system and perpetuate military and economic violence against innocent people around the world.
Join mailing list: Send an email to to be added to our mailing list for occasional updates from the Ploughshares actvists.
Finances: Donations can be made
* Internet banking / direct credit: WestPac,
Account Name: Te Wairua Maranga Trust, Account Number:
03-1703-0036346-04 - donations are not tax-deductible.
Cheque - please send your cheque payable to 'Peace Movement
Aotearoa - Special Projects', with a note saying it is for
Ploughshares Aotearoa, and your name and address (if you'd
like a receipt), to Peace Movement Aotearoa, PO Box 9314,
Wellington 6141.
Contact: Ploughshares Aotearoa, email
More information, including photos from the action, is available at and