P, Pimps & Prostitutes
P, Pimps & Prostitutes
Family Party Conference
Saturday 17th May, Mangere
16 May 2008. The Family Party will be outlining policies to combat the P epidemic and the gang culture in South Auckland. The policies will be presented at the Family Party conference in Mangere tomorrow (Saturday 17th May) at the Nga Tapuwae Community Centre in Mangere.
“There’s no question that drug dealing and street prostitution are major concerns to South Auckland communities. They go hand in hand with the rising gang culture. Tomorrow I will outline how the Family Party aims to address these issues beyond the usual rhetoric,” says party leader Richard Lewis.
A former South Auckland police sergeant, Mr Lewis believes the Family Party package to address drug dealing and the gang culture will find a lot of favour with the electorate.
“We’ve done a heck of a lot of work listening to the people in the street and have a pretty good handle on what’s needed in the communities. It’s about giving them a voice that’s not drowned in the clutter of Parliament – it’s about putting families first and making a difference where the Labour-led Government has been found wanting,” he added.
Conference Details:
Saturday 17th May 2008
10am – 3pm
Nga Tapuwae Community Centre
253 Buckland Road
Mangere East
RSVP to office[at]thefamilyparty.org.nz
Conference details: http://www.thefamilyparty.org.nz/conference.php