Save the Humans - Harpoon the Dolphins
SOLO-NZ Press Release: Save the Humans - Harpoon the
By Lance Davey
May 30, 2008
When Fisher
& Paykel moved their manufacturing base offshore to source
cheaper labour and production costs, 'Foul!' was the cry.
The eeevil capitalists' move was going to cost a significant
number of people their jobs. This was terrible; how dare
they? To be fair, I was disappointed with the move too-I'd
much rather a productive business remained in New Zealand.
But here's the rub:
It's not my company.
It's not my money.
They're a whiteware business, not a job factory.
To remain in business, they need profit; to remain profitable they need to lower production costs. Sue Bradford did not understand the move and claimed F&P were making "good money" and were betraying NZ workers. Well "good money" isn't what keeps a company competitive and in business. The min/max game of production costs and profit is what keeps a company competitive and in business. Thailand is more conducive to lower production costs than New Zealand. We lose-too bad, so sad, moving on ...
Isn't it funny though, with the announcement of the misguided protection measures for Hector and Maui dolphins, measures that do far more harm to fisheries than bestow benefits on dolphins, the Greens no longer give a flying fish about them poor workers: the estimated 300-odd who are going to lose their jobs, not just in fishing, but onshore processing, the supply industry and wider economy. In fact not only do the Greens not give a flying fish, they don't think the measures go far enough. Despite Jim Banderton's restrictions offering up human sacrifices to protect the lives of dolphins (which the restrictions actually have no impact on), the Greens would rather further measures were taken, measures that would see greater human sacrifices. (And all this at a time of rocketing food prices!) Damn the workers, the fishermen, and the wider industry-it's the dolphins we must save!
Bollocks! If it comes down to even one human going hungry vs a dolphin dying, I say: "Save The Humans, Harpoon The Dolphins."