Vigilante calls only reaction to failing Governmen
Vigilante calls only reaction to failing Government
7 July 08. Family Party leader Richard Lewis says the Asian anti-crime Group is only a reaction to the failure on the part of Government to make communities feel safe.
“Saturday’s rally involved thousands of decent families and parents who’ve been forced into the streets to make their point because they feel so unsafe and vulnerable in their homes and the community. All they want to do is get on with their lives without fear of being mugged or bashed: a reasonable request I would think,” says Mr Lewis.
A former South Auckland police sergeant, Mr Lewis says police lack staff and resources to effectively fight crime and the Government is in denial as to the realities.
“When people lose confidence in the authorities to protect them, which is the present case, their natural reaction is to take measures to defend themselves. So this kind of situation is inevitable unless Government takes crime seriously; staff and equip the frontline police to do the job,” he added.