Rail Safety Awareness Week Steams Ahead
24 July 2008
Rail Safety
Awareness Week Steams Ahead

international cricketer and rail safety campaigner Chris
Cairns unveiled a new safety billboard at Ngaruawahia today
during a busy day promoting safety to school children for
rail safety week.
On Tuesday 22 July, Chris Cairns visited Huntly College, giving a speech to the children about rail safety.
"It is extremely important to get the message out to the kids that it is not safe to be stupid around railway tracks. Hopefully they can listen and learn from my experience and save another or if not their own life" Chris Cairns states.
Joined by children from the local primary school, council and police, Chris then traveled to Ngaruawahia to unveil the foundation's new billboard.
Chris Cairns then took an afternoon train ride in Auckland to help drive home the message about safe behaviour near railway lines to school students.
He talked to the hundreds of students from several schools who catch the 3.24 service from Boston Rd to Swanson about the dangers of trespassing on the rail corridor.
Rail Safety Awareness Week ends on Sunday 27 July.