Call For Public Submissions On Methyl Parathion
ERMA New Zealand Calls For Public Submissions On Methyl Parathion
Public submissions on the use of insecticide methyl parathion are being called for by ERMA New Zealand as part of its strategic hazardous substances review and reassessment programme which aims to reduce risk to people and the environment.
Reassessments Manager Mike Morris said information had been gathered on the human health and environmental risks associated with methyl parathion, and incorporated into an application document which was now publicly available on the ERMA New Zealand website,
"The application document contains a preliminary recommendation to prohibit methyl parathion, based on the initial research," Mike Morris said.
"Nevertheless, the recommendation should not be considered to be the outcome of the reassessment. The application simply opens a discussion with the public, and information from the public, industry, and other interested parties forms an important part of the reassessment process. All information submitted will be considered by the Environmental Risk Management Authority when it makes its decision."
Methyl parathion is a broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticide used overseas on a wide range of crops, including grain, vegetables and fruit. There are two approvals for its use in New Zealand, but there are currently no products containing it on the market.
Methyl parathion has been subject to review internationally in recent years. The European Union banned it in plant protection products in 2003, and the United States' Environmental Protection Agency recently cancelled the approval to use methyl parathion on a number of crops.
Members of the public and other interested parties have until Monday 3 November 2008 to make a submission. This can be made in writing, either by letter, email, or through the ERMA website. If submitters request it, there could be public hearings before any decision is made.