New Website To Assist Leaky Home Owners
Media Release
13 September, 2008
New Website To Assist Leaky Home Owners
A new website is helping leaky home owners deal with issues and claims.
The website combines real life accounts of leaky home owners’ experiences, web links to useful information resources and a forum where users can share ideas and ask questions.
Steven McAneney whose Auckland home had leak problems set the website up out of frustration at the lack of guidance for leaky home owners struggling with complex claims.
“I just got fed up with having to research every step of the leaky home resolution process from scratch” says McAneney. “For every situation a leaky home owner finds themselves in, you can guarantee there is at least one other person who has been there too. This website is a place for them to share those experiences”.
The website has been introduced at a time when recent Weatherttight Homes Tribunal settlements for large sums, pleas from mayors for financial support, and increasingly stringent building inspections by local councils are testament to the gravity and complexity of the ‘leaky home syndrome’ issue.