Science leader elected PSA President
25 September 2008
Science New Zealand
Science leader elected PSA President
"The election of a science leader as PSA President is warmly applauded by Science New Zealand," says Science New Zealand chief executive Anthony Scott.
"Paula Scholes is a laboratory manager and senior scientist at ESR, a Crown Research Institute.
"The PSA is an important voice in the national discussion on issues such as creating a 21st century society, increasing productivity via higher value products and processes, and improving the wealth and well-being for all New Zealanders in sustainable ways.
"These are matters which lie at the heart of the Crown Research Institutes in their focus on research which benefits New Zealand.
"Paula Scholes brings an inside knowledge of the importance of science and technology in progressing those aspirations, and thus valuable insights and a strong voice to the national discussion."
Notes to Editor
Science New Zealand represents the common interests of the nine Crown-owned science enterprises.
The Crown Research Institutes are: AgResearch, Crop & Food Research, ESR, GNS Science, HortResearch, Industrial Research, Landcare Research, NIWA and Scion.
Together they have more than 4,500 FTEs and generate revenue of over $625M. They undertake research of excellence to benefit New Zealand.