Maxim Institute Hosts NZ Votes Debates
media release
Tuesday 14 October 2008
Institute Hosts NZ Votes Debates Across The Country
Maxim Institute’s 2008 NZ Votes Political Debates are now well underway. Forums are coming up in Dunedin, Christchurch, Upper Hutt, Hamilton, Central Auckland, Wellington, and Tauranga, and have already taken place in Queenstown, Helensville, Rotorua, Whangarei and Pukekohe.
“Once every three years we are given the opportunity to select those who we believe should govern our nation for the next three years. It is vital that we think through our vote and take this responsibility seriously,” says Greg Fleming, Maxim Institute’s CEO.
A worryingly high proportion of New Zealanders still do not understand how MMP works, so we consider it important to use these forums to help people get to grips with the electoral system,” says Greg Fleming.
Each event begins with a short presentation about how our electoral system works. The rest of the evening provides an opportunity to hear directly from the party candidates themselves about what their party stands for and why they think we should vote for them.
In each debate candidates answer questions from the audience and are able to ask each other questions as well. Audience questions have already revealed plenty of interest in topics like the Emissions Trading Scheme, the Electoral Finance Act, taxation, healthcare provision, ownership and sale of state assets, drug policy and law and order.
“We’re excited about the potential of these debates to assist voters to hear directly from those looking for their vote,” says Greg Fleming. “We’re looking forward to some more lively discussions, and we hope that many will join us.”