French President Sarkozy got it right
Friday 17 October 2008
French President Sarkozy
got it right
“French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, got it right when he told the EU leaders at their 15 October 2008 Summit meeting ‘We need to found a new capitalism based on values that put finance at the service of companies and citizens and not the reverse’”, says John Pemberton, Finance spokesman for Democrats for social credit ( DSC ).
“DSCgot it right decades ago when they established one of the tenets: ‘Systems should be made for people, not people for systems; any that fail to serve people should be reformed or discarded.’
“It has been clear to us (DSC) that the orthodox financial system has never served companies or citizens; in fact quite the reverse has been the case. We have been but mere tokens in a game of monopoly, where the illusion of power and decision making was ours - but in reality the power lies with the Banks and we are the servants.”
“DSCbelieves that any steps taken by governments to treat the immediate symptoms of the current financial crisis without attacking the roots of the disease will merely perpetuate the problem, while an opportunity for real solutions passes us by,” Pemberton warns.
“We cannot solve these problems by using the same thinking used when we created them.”
“It is time New Zealandhad political leadership with the vision of President Sarkozy – he has got it right” Pemberton concluded