Political Bribery Is Nauseating
*Political Bribery Is Nauseating*
Libertarianz health spokesman Richard McGrath says he felt queasy reading news of yet another vote-buying spend-up by the outgoing Labour-led government.
"IHC are the latest pawns in this desperate attempt by Helen Mugabe - sorry, Helen Clark - to buy enough votes to cling onto power," said the Masterton GP.
"Libertarianz refuses to play that game. We will not offer bribes to voter groups using other people's money," he added. "That sort of behaviour is demeaning to the recipient, and reflects poorly on the politicians responsible for the bribery."
"If people were not taxed so heavily in the first place, they would all be able to afford medical insurance or make provision for their health needs through savings or charities," said Dr McGrath.
"It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!"