Draft Free-to-Air TV Code of Broadcasting released
16 March 2009
Media Release
For Immediate
Television Broadcasters And B.S.A. Release Draft Revised Code
The Television Broadcasters’ Council (TBC) and Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) have recently released a draft revised Free-to-Air Television Code of Broadcasting Practice. In a joint statement, they said that it addresses the need to revise codes from time to time to reflect community expectations, to keep them relevant to broadcasting practice and to support fair and efficient decision-making by the BSA.
The Code covers the Standards that apply to free-to-air television broadcasting in New Zealand.
The TBC and BSA are seeking feedback from interested parties and the wider public on the revised Code.
A draft of the Code, compared alongside the current Code, can be found on the TBC’s website www.nztbc.co.nz and the BSA’s website www.bsa.govt.nz.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 9 April and can be made to either organisation by email