Bugged - State Surveillance under the microscope
Media Release
October 15th Solidarity
Bugged State Surveillance under the microscope

Fri 8th May: Film world premier, music and more
An awareness raising event to provide information about current State Surveillance practices in Aotearoa, and how they relate to the State Terror Raids of October 2007. The evening will raise money for those affected by the raids, and their communities.
Newtown Community Center Theatre, Crn Rintoul and Colombo 7pm till late $7 unwaged, $10 waged BYO and Food available for Koha
World Premier of Rise UP! A documentary film about the community response to the 2007 ‘terror’ raids
Talks by: Keith Locke Green MP
Music from: Mara TK Cherrys Gemstones
On the morning of October 15th 2007, hundreds of police raided houses across Aotearoa arresting activists, under the guise of catching "terrorists". In reality, the terrorism charges were never laid, and in order to save face, the police pursued charges against 20 people under the Arms Act. In Addition, five of the defendants have now been charged with membership in a criminal organisation and all of them are facing a long, drawn-out trial.
These actions were all part of the global 'war against terror' which the New Zealand Government signed up to with the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002. The arrestees had been spied on for years by the SIS (Security Intelligence Service) with the assistance of inflated police budgets and powers since 9/11.
The raids and subsequent charges are racially and politically motivated. The New Zealand Government aims to silence dissenters who question the State’s processes, decisions and actions. Political agitators, activists and Maori struggling for sovereignty, for Tino Rangatiratanga are being directly targeted by the State. The state then labels them 'terrorists' in order to gain public support for its actions.
If you want to find out more about the raids and their consequences throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand, as well as how state surveillance in this country affects you, visit www.October15Solidarity.info