Unanimous expert criticism of ‘Boot Camp Bill’
Press release for immediate release.
Unanimous expert
criticism of ‘Boot Camp Bill’
Wedneday, 6 May
Young Labour joined the unanimous chorus of criticism of the Government’s ‘Boot Camp Bill’ today at the Social Services select committee.
After the second hearing of the Committee on the Bill it is clear that the overwhelming weight of expert opinion is critical of the Government’s plans to introduce military style camps for young offenders, as well as a number of other measures in the Bill.
The Hon. Paula Bennett announced last week that the critics of the Bill have missed the point. Yet after two weeks of submissions only one submitter has come out in total support.
Young Labour President, Patrick Leyland said today “The Government cannot ignore the overwhelming opposition to their proposals.”
“Justice should be based on evidence of what works, and the evidence presented today is that the Government’s plans are not going to be effective”
In addition to those who submitted last week, Young Labour today joined highly respected groups such as NZAAHD, Henwood Trust, the Children’s Commission, Youth Horizons and youth offending expert Dr. Gabriele Maxwell in criticising the plans.
Leyland added that the mood of submitters was best expressed by Dr Maxwell, when she said “I have been evaluating these types of programmes for the last 20 years and almost none work in the long term… mandated detention and military compulsion are costly and ineffective.”
There was also unanimous opposition today to the Government’s plans to extend the Youth Court’s jurisdiction to 12 and 13 year olds.
“12 year olds should be dealt with age appropriately and the Family Court is best placed to provide care and protection for these children”. Leyland concluded.
Have all the experts ‘missed the point’?