Cycling advocates support transport policy
Cycling advocates support transport policy statement
The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) supports the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding (GPS) allocation of $50 million over three years to cycling and walking as travel modes. While this is less than the allocation in the previous GPS there are still optimistic signs for cycling and walking.
Prime Minister John Key last week announced another $50 million has been earmarked for the National Cycleway. While the Cycleway does not fall under the GPS definition of travel, it offers significant economic and social benefits. This suggests the Government is broadening its view of the potential benefits available through cycling. CAN suggests the Government makes the National Cycleway a route of national significance as part of the forthcoming National Infrastructure Plan.
The transport GPS also includes funding for cycling and walking under the allocation for demand management and community programmes ($145 million over three years), and through provision for cycling within ad hoc roading projects. CAN hopes this is also maintained in the development of new and improved infrastructure on the state highway network, which has increased funding in the GPS.
These allocations, and the emphasis on well-targeted investment in local roads and public transport, suggest the Government is accepting the value of cycling and walking projects in their own right, as well as part of roading development.
The GPS makes a range of statements CAN has and will continue to support. These include planning for integration of modes and for fuel price volatility, reducing congestion and environmental impacts, ensuring economic growth and productivity, maximising use of the roading network and co-ordinating with the Ministry of Health towards positive health outcomes. These signal the Government may be accepting that a well-developed cycling network is more important than ever before. Perhaps we may see the day when such network is recognised as nationally significant.