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Time for TA to take walking & cycling seriously

Media Release 4:30pm, 24 May, 2009

Time for the Transport Agency to take walking and cycling seriously

After watching more than 5,000 people stream across the Auckland Harbour Bridge, GetAcross spokesperson Bevan Woodward says: “This is an incredible outcome. We are blown away by the high turn out of Aucklanders and their determination to get walking and cycling access on our Harbour Bridge.

“As organisers, we were very clear in our instructions that supporters mustn’t force their way onto the Bridge, but ‘people power’ took over today. People of all ages and from all walks of life decided that they’d had enough of the Transport Agency’s inaction and wanted to show how strongly they felt.”

“I do apologise to motorists caught up in the traffic congestion. It was never our intention to cause disruption to the traffic, however the Transport Agency needs to review how it handled the situation. The Transport Agency refused our requests to meet or even discuss the event in the months leading up. We had requested two traffic lanes to provide safe access without disrupting the traffic, the same way the Auckland marathon does each year. Yet the Transport Agency decided today to close all 4 north-bound lanes.”

“We hope that the Transport Agency now decides to take the Auckland Harbour Bridge walk/cycleway seriously. We have had enough of their weak excuses as to why it cannot be provided. In fact the Transport Agency’s conduct has been so poor, that last week we lodged a complaint with the Auditor-General’s office.”
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“Moving forward, we are prepared to work with the Transport Agency in a productive and positive manner. Today we have asked the NZTA’s CEO and Chair for a meeting to discuss how we can do this.”


Copy of Bevan Woodward’s speech from today’s Demonstration of Support follows…

GetAcross spokesman Bevan Woodward’s speech given at 9am, Sunday, May 24 at the Curran St on-ramp of the Auckland Harbour Bridge:

Good morning Auckland! Thank you everyone for coming along today to show your support for walking and cycling on this, our Harbour Bridge.

50 years ago today the Bridge was first opened to the public of Auckland, but since then our Bridge has been the exclusive domain of motorised vehicles only.

Your being here today will help ensure this travesty doesn’t go on for much longer. With today’s strong showing of support, we are letting the decision makers know that it’s not a matter of IF there should be walking and cycling access, but WHEN!

And of course the answer to that question, in this age of ever increasing traffic congestion, air pollution, CO2 emissions and obesity is NOW!!!

I’d like to take a moment to especially thank the Police who are here today. In my meetings with the Police they advised that if the Transport Agency’s Wayne MacDonald – who is here today, and that’s him there! - if Wayne MacDonald says ‘Yes’ this morning, then the Police will provide us safe passage across the bridge.

We’ve suggested to the Police that we go across at 9:30am. Then at 10:30am everyone turns about and we make our way here, thereby clearing the traffic lanes by 11:30am, causing minimal disruption to traffic.

I appreciate isn’t always easy for the Police when they find themselves the meat in the sandwich between ourselves and the NZ Transport Agency, so I thank the Police for their co-operative and helpful approach.

In contrast the NZ Transport Agency’s performance continues to disappoint. The Agency has refused to meet with us to discuss our gathering today. They are stopping the Police from provided safe access across the Bridge today. And they spread misinformation saying it’s not safe to use the clip-ons lanes, when then own board papers recommend they be used. The Transport Agency’s behaviour relating to the walk/cycle way study has been so bad that on Thursday we lodged a complaint with the Auditor-General’s office! Have a look at our website for details.

Thanks so much to all the volunteers who have worked to make this day something special. Many great people have given their time and skills to support this vital Auckland project.

Now after the short speeches that follow me, we’re going to gather at the gate and ask the Transport Agency’s Wayne MacDonald to say “yes” to the Police so that they can allow safe passage across the Bridge.

We will be insistent, but we must not and will not force our way onto the Bridge. We only go over if the Police provide safe access, which I repeat, they will provide if the Transport Agency’s Wayne MacDonald gives the word. So everybody, what’s the word that we want to hear?... “YES!”

Thank you!

Walking and Cycling Access on the Auckland Harbour Bridge

Frequently Asked Questions re: the Walk/Cycle way

‘Isn’t it too expensive and how would it be funded?’

The cost is significant but the resulting economic benefits from health, decongestion, CO2 reduction and tourism are far greater.

Funding for the walkway and cycleway could come from the Auckland regional fuel tax which has allocated $54 million to TDM, walking and cycling projects.

Auckland’s 10 year Regional Land Transport Strategy stipulates that 4% of the total Auckland transport budget is to be spent on TDM, walking and cycling. Yet after three years, only half of this allocation has been spent. The accumulated under-spend is estimated at $42 million (and increasing by approximately $15 million per annum).

The media is reporting the cost at $24 to $43 million, depending upon which option is chosen. However these cost estimates include a 30% contingency and 15% funding risk. The actual cost for the project excluding allocation for contingency and funding risks, ranges between $13 million and $24.5 million.

‘Is it a priority for the region?’

Yes, the walk/cycle way not only fixes most the most glaring gap in Auckland walking and cycling network, it is a corner stone project for improving walking and cycling in the Auckland region - similar to Britomart Station being the corner stone project for the revival of Auckland’s once dreadful rail passenger service.

Currently Auckland has the reputation of being one of the worst cities in the world for walking (pg 28, ARTA’s Sustainable Transport Plan 2006-16) and only 1% of Aucklanders regard cycling as “always safe” (ARC’s Community Perceptions Report 2007).

‘Do Aucklanders want it?’

Yes, in November 2007, Y&R commissioned market research to gauge the level of support amongst Aucklanders for the walkway and cycleway. Very strong support was revealed, with 76% in support, 12% against and 12% unsure. See the survey results at:

‘Will it affect the flow of traffic across the Bridge?’

No, the walk/cycleway will not affect the number of lanes on the bridge and any reconfiguration of lane widths will be designed to keep traffic flowing safely and with sufficient space for comfortable driving.

‘Aren’t the clip-ons too unstable for a walkway and cycleway?’

The clip-ons are currently undergoing a major strengthening project which includes the addition of 700 tonnes of steel at an estimated cost of $45 million. This strengthening will reduce movement making the walk/cycleway safe and comfortable;

"Through innovative thinking, further structural elements have been incorporated into the current strengthening works at relatively low cost to future proof for future walking and cycling options on the box girders [clip-ons]."
May 2008 Board Transit Paper 6189

‘The Government’s Policy Statement doesn’t allow enough funding’

The Government Policy Statement sets a cap on its “walking and cycling facilities” activity class of $30 million per year. However Ministry of Transport advises that the walkway and cycleway could be included under the much larger activity class of “New & improved infrastructure for State highways”, which has $750 million allocated per year.

‘Isn’t it too steep to walk or cycle over the Auckland Harbour Bridge?’

The gradient of the bridge is 5%. Cycle experts advise that a steep gradient is one that exceeds 7% and that modern bicycles have gears designed for such gradients.

The Waitemata Harbour Crossing Study (completed in March 2008, involving transport officers from ACC, ARC, ARTA, NSCC and Transit) determined the Auckland Harbour Bridge as the recommended option for providing cycling and walking access across the harbour.

‘Is it safe to bike or walk on the bridge?’

Yes, the walkway and cycleway ensures the safety of both pedestrians and cyclists by separating them from the general traffic with purpose-built barriers which include handrails and provide protection from wind and traffic emissions.

The cycle path will be attached to the west side of the bridge, and the walkway will be attached to the east side of the bridge. Cyclists will need to maintain safe speeds as they down come off the bridge, a situation very similar to the Greenhithe Bridge shared path.

‘Why not wait until the next harbour crossing, or use racks on the front of buses to carry bikes?’

The Waitemata Next Harbour Crossing Study 2008 determined the next harbour crossing shall be a tunnel for vehicles, with walking and cycling access to be provided on the existing Auckland Harbour Bridge. Waiting for the harbour tunnel to is built means waiting 20 years or more for walking and cycling access across the harbour.

Putting bikes on buses to cross the bridge is not a satisfactory option, as cyclists enjoy cycling for fitness and convenience, and don’t want the delays and financial cost of taking a bus. A bus can carry a maximum of 3 bicycles at time, thus it is not appropriate for the estimated demand of 500 to 1,500 cyclists/day.

Cyclists currently use ferries to cross the harbour; however the demand is now exceeding capacity at peak times, hence Fullers Ferries support walking and cycling access on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.


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