National neglect early childhood education
National neglect early childhood education
Alliance Party media release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday 1 July 2009
The Alliance Party of New Zealand says the Government's 1.95% funding increase for Early Childhood Education is a bad joke.
Alliance Party Education Spokesperson Richard Mitchell says while any extra funding is useful, the amount provided by the National Government will fail to ensure all of New Zealand's children get the best start in life.
"This is the end result of National's unaffordable and irresponsible tax cuts – the slow death of New Zealand's public education system due to lack of resources."
Mr Mitchell says there always appears to be money to build new prisons, but not enough to give all children the support to fully develop their potential.
Minister of Education Anne Tolley announced the 1.95% funding increase on the 30 June 2009.
This funding increase should have been announced in the 2009 Budget but this was prevented by a mistake made by the Ministry of Education.
Mr Mitchell says It is about time National got with the programme and started funding education properly rather than offering piece meal increases.
The Alliance Party of New Zealand would fully fund all public education providers from Early Childhood through to Tertiary Education through a progressive tax system.