On Q + A this Sunday: Environment Minister Smith
24h July 2009
On Q + A this Sunday:
Guyon Espiner interviews Climate Change and Environment Minister Nick Smith about NZ’s emissions reduction target for 2020. It’s been called the biggest political decision of the year and is part of intense global negotiations about how and how much economies will grow.
National has a target of 50% reductions by 2050, but needs to set an interim measure in the next two weeks. The government has new data and Nick Smith will be releasing it on Q+A which includes how much reduction levels will cost and the final satellite pictures of the nation’s trees that will be used to determine how much we pay.
Paul Holmes interviews Sheryl Savill, the South Auckland mum whose name is on the smacking referendum and Bob McCoskrie, head of Family First about the referendum, which begins next week.
Former National MP Simon Upton and Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons join Therese Arseneau and Paul Holmes on the panel.
Do you have a burning question for our guests? Let us know. Email us at Q+A@tvnz.co.nz and we will put those questions to them.
Q + A is broadcast live 9-10am Sunday on TV ONE