Young Labour: Don’t Waste the Opportunity
Press Release: For Immediate Release
Young Labour:
Don’t Waste the Opportunity
Tuesday 4th August
Young Labour welcomes the Government’s apparent desire to tackle the problem of youth unemployment but remains to be convinced by the details.
The Youth Opportunities programme set out on Sunday was originally sold as a ‘plan to wipe out youth unemployment’ but in reality it only scratches the surface. Key seems to have realised this quite quickly – he was back-peddling even faster than over his cycleway proposals yesterday, saying that the Government did not think it could stop youth unemployment rising.
"The Prime Minister claims all he can try to do is take the “rough edges off the recession” for youth – perhaps he should have taken the rough edges off his plan before releasing it.” Young Labour President, Patrick Leyland, said this morning.
“Yesterday’s proposals provide short-term fixes, with 6 month placements and 6 week courses, but do not address the fundamental problem. Youth unemployment rates have been historically high around the world and the consensus opinion on its cause – lack of skills.”
“So what was Key’s reaction to this skill shortage? Give these lazy young people a shovel so they can build my ‘great rides’ – if they’re out of breath they can’t complain, and if they do, they’re off to boot-camp.” Leyland explained.
“Frankly 2,500 places on ‘6-week military-style training programmes’ and ‘military-focused skills in school’ do not equate to a plan to up-skill the country’s youth.”
“The government has also cited industry partnerships, new scholarships and token Polytech funding boosts as part of a skills response to youth unemployment. But this must be seen as shameless opportunism or a serious admission of error, considering that Budget 2009:
• systematically slashed
industry training and modern apprenticeships
• cut
tertiary scholarships for the most disadvantaged
• told
Polytechs that if they cannot cope on their own then they
should fold
• and systematically gutted Adult and
Community Education
“Key loves headlines but if we look at his track record, well the proof is in the pudding… will this latest plan turn out like his Budget and Jobs Summit - resembling badly cooked soufflés.” Leyland concluded.