Summit will consider impact of recession on kids
Media Release
10 September 2009
Summit will
consider impact of recession on children
Every Child Counts* will convene the first ever Summit on Children in the Recession next Wednesday, 16 September 2009. The Summit will be held at Te Karaiti Te Pou Herenga Waka Church and Marae, cr Orly Rd and Waddon Place, Mangere.
“We are immersed in the worst world financial crisis since the Great depression of the 1930s,” said Baranardos’ Chief Executive Murray Edridge.
“Economic recessions impact on children around the world the hardest. Children are the most vulnerable sector of society, and are totally dependent on adult decision making. When economic decision-making falters children suffer.”
Around 20% of New Zealand children live in child poverty, with wide variance between different populations. 16% of Pakeha children live in poverty compared to 27% for Maori and 40% for Pacific peoples.
“Research tells us that there are clear links between poverty and child maltreatment,” Chair of Te Kahui Mana Ririki Dr Hone Kaa said.
“So this explains in part why Maori children are so likely to experience some form of maltreatment. Being poor also makes it difficult for our whanau to meet their young ones essential needs. They have problems feeding their children adequately, providing basic health care, and engaging them in early education.”
Around sixty experts from around the country are expected to gather at the Summit. Participants will work in streams which will be allocated topics as follows:
* Maori
* Social Exclusion
* Housing
* Family Violence
* The First Three Years
* Education
* Health
“This is a working Summit not a talk fest,” Murray Edridge said.
“Each group will consider the issues within their particular topic and develop an action plan. At the end of the day we will synthesise all of the material into a plan which will be presented to government.
“Children are completely reliant on adults to advocate on their behalf. There has already been much public debate about the recession but no one has considered the needs of children within this context.
“So, this Summit is very significant.”