Protest to be held against VUW repression:
21 October 2009: Media Statement
Protest to be held against VUW repression:
Students and members of the public will present a petition to the administration at Victoria University today at midday to demand the lifting of the two-year trespass order imposed against Wellington political activists Heleyni Pratley and Joel Cosgrove. They were trespassed for participating in an anti-fees rise protest. In the case of Pratley, two men sent by the university tried to force their way into her house looking for Cosgrove. When she barred their way and managed to get the door closed they yelled, "You're trespassed too!"
Dozens of academics, trade unionists and educationalists have signed the petition calling for the lifting of the trespass order.
The protest is planned to meet in the quad and then march to the Hunter Courtyard where Heleyni and Joel will present the trespass to the University.
“It makes me angry that this so-called 'public' university that I belong to chooses who is a member of their 'community' and when they are. That this is a publicly funded institution acting in its own elite private interest makes me ashamed,” says Victoria student and former student exec member Kassie Hartendorp, one of the protest organisers.
“What did I do, bar stand up and hold the university to account?” says one of the trespassed Heleyni Pratley. “I am alumni of this institution and it has banned me and harassed me for standing up for the ideas it supposedly holds about critical thinking and freedom of expression."