The Thursday Wire with Hamish Fletcher: 05/03/10
Coming up on the show today:
12:30 Professor John
Burrows of the Law Commission
Yesterday, the Law
Commission released an issues paper discussing their
concerns with the 1993 Privacy Act. This paper is part of a
general review of the Act, and takes a wide and varied look
at the current piece of legislation. The section of the
review that I'm particuarly interested in relates to the
privacy concerns raised by technological developments and
direct marketing, given that so much of our personal
information is now on the Internet. Professor John Burrows
of the Law Commission will be joining me at 12:30 to discuss
the paper in more depth.
12:50 Dear Science with Peter Griffin from the Science Media Centre
Today on Dear Science, Peter will go over this morning's report from the Crown Research Institute Taskforce and the changes that they have recommended for the science sector. We'll also discuss what scientists have been saying about the weekend quake and tsunami in Chile.
13:15 Michael Field Pacific Issues Commentator with Fairfax Media Group
You may remember that in 2007, New Zealand businessman Ballu Kahn, was detained and beaten by the Fijian police under suspicion of being involved in an assasination plot on the Fijian premier. Well, following the trial of eight men, the Fijian High Court is claiming that Kahn and the others were infact involved in an attempted assassination plot on Frank Bainimarama. More than this, the High Court says Mr Khan was going to use arms and explosives from New Zealand and that the New Zealand High Commission knew about the assassination attempt. Kahn was awarded a permanent stay of proceedings in the trial and legally cannot be charged. However, he is still professing his innocence, asserting it was the military themselves who were cooking up the plan. Joining me on the show to explain the situation in more detail is Fairfax Pacific Commentator Michael Field.
13:30 Rodney Hide Minister of Local Government
One of the major concerns and problems that many have with the structure of the proposed Auckland "Super City" is that local communities will not have enough say in issues that are on their back doorstep. In a blog last week, Labour MP Phil Twyford claims local boards will get to "choose the colour of the carpet at the local library but will have precious little else in the way of real powers." However, the Minister of Local Government, Act MP Rodney Hide, says that Auckland's local boards will have a "meaningful role in the future's of Auckland's governance." To explain this "meaningful role", I've got Mr Hide on the show to clarify just how much power, control and decision making ability these boards will have.
13:45 Papercuts with Pennie - Thanks to
This week Pennie reviews 'Love' magazine, which is about fashion as opposed to romance or emotion. Upon flicking through it, it seems as if there is not that many clothes to speak of, but we'll hear Pennie's expert opinion towards the end of the show.