Te Arataura welcomes Employment Relations ruling
Te Arataura welcomes Employment Relations Authority ruling
Media Statement 28 April 2010 For immediate
The executive of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui, Te Arataura, has welcomed a ruling by the Employment Relations Authority that it acted in a fair and reasonable manner in dismissing former CEO, Hemi Rau.
The authority has ruled that Te Kauhanganui was justified, on a number of points, in summarily dismissing Mr Rau following an investigation into his conduct as CEO. Te Arataura Chairman, Tukoroirangi Morgan, said the decision to dismiss Mr Rau was not taken lightly.
Mr Morgan said that despite recent events he thanked Mr Rau for his positive contributions to the tribe over the years. “It is the tribe that must be our primary focus.”
“I hope this issue serves as a reminder to us all that we have a great responsibility if we work on behalf of the tribe,” he said.
Mr Morgan said Te Arataura would go to the market to seek a new CEO as soon as is practicable.