EDS welcomes announcement that Environmental Protection Authority is to be a stand-alone Crown entity
The Environmental Defence Society has welcomed an announcement by the Minister for the Environment today that the EPA is to be established as a stand-alone Crown entity.
"Dr Nick Smith has chosen the right model for the EPA," said EDS Chairman Gary Taylor.
"The EPA is to become the national environmental regulator and it's vital that it is free from political influence.
"As a stand-alone Crown entity it will have its own Board of Directors and will be able to exercise its functions independently.
"It will have responsibility for a range of functions including ozone, hazardous wastes, ETS administration and will incorporate ERMA which will be disestablished.
"The government is also looking at a role in New Zealand's very large Exclusive Economic Zone for the EPA.
"A joint MED/MFE study is underway looking at environmental oversight of oil exploration. Decisions on the preferred approach will be made late this year.
"We support an expanded role for the EPA in the EEZ. It is important that there is a clear separation between issuing rights to explore for oil and giving environmental approvals. Events in the Gulf of Mexico have shown the danger of getting this wrong.
"EDS argues that the Resource Management Act, which governs the marine environment out to the 12 nautical mile limit, should be extended to the 200 nautical mile limit. The EPA would effectively be the regional council for the 12-200 mile zone given the national significance of the area.
"We are pleased to see the continuing evolution of the EPA as a national, independent, environmental regulator," Mr Taylor concluded.