NZ Atheists Swap Buses for Billboards
NZ Atheists Swap Buses for Billboards
The NZ Atheist Bus Campaign will unveil billboards with friendly atheist slogans in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch this week.
The campaign has chosen the three winning phrases from more than 900 public submissions of billboard slogans. “We're excited about this opportunity to promote these thoughtful slogans and hope they'll get people to stop and think.” said Simon Fisher, spokesperson for the Campaign.
While the precise wording of the three new slogans is intended to be a surprise, Mr Fisher says that all three designs will include the text “There’s probably no God, now stop worrying and enjoy your life” borrowed from the successful UK bus campaign.
With the launch of the billboard campaign, the organisation is also reopening its call for donations from people who want to see the billboards moved to other cities. “While the bus campaign would have been limited to main centres, the great thing about these canvases is that once printed they can be toured to other centres” said Mr Fisher. “If a community wants to put one of our billboards up in their area they can contact us, arrange a location, and we’ll be delighted to lend them the canvas”.
Despite similar campaigns being run internationally, the organisation's plans to place ads on buses in New Zealand hit a brick wall earlier this year when NZ Bus accepted and then rejected the billboards, leading to the Campaign’s decision to take the issue to a tribunal. “The Campaign is still committed to the discrimination case against NZ Bus through the Office of Human Rights Proceedings. “We have kept funds in reserve for a bus advertising campaign if this is successful.” said Mr Fisher.
Interested Kiwis can see the billboards in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch from Friday this week.
For more information and to donate, see