Armed Cops - A Shot In The Ass For NZ Public
Armed Cops - A Shot In The Ass For NZ Public
Armed Police will only make our society more dangerous says the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. The Cannabis Party adhere to Non-Violent principles and oppose any sort of retaliation against Police. The shooting of two police officers and a dog in Christchurch recently would not have happened if cannabis laws were reformed.
New Powers allowing police to arm themselves will only lead to more dead cops. The real message to come out of this disastrous police raid, is that the Drug War creates a criminal culture and lucrative black-market surrounding cannabis that would otherwise not exist.
Its time to put a stop to the illegal trade in Cannabis and to implement a R18 regulated market, where harm minimisation can be promoted. More guns for the police is not the solution, ending the War on Drugs is the correct answer. Drugs Laws create the Black-Market economy and allow vast profits to flow into criminal hands. Shootings such as the one in Christchurch are a direct outcome of this failed policy.