Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Signs Terms of Negotiation
Media Release
For immediate release
July 30, 2010
Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Signs Terms of Negotiation
Ngai Te Rangi tribal representatives signed terms of negotiation today, Friday 30 July, with the Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson in a step towards settling the tribe’s historical Treaty grievances.
As a proud iwi of the Mataatua waka, Ngai Te Rangi representatives outlined the importance of this occasion.
Te-Runanga-o-Ngai-Te-Rangi-Iwi-Trust (TRONIT) chairman Charlie Tawhiao says this milestone is a significant step on the way to bringing grievance issues to a close.
“We have come a long way to bring our people to this point in the process and those efforts are being recognised by the Crown.”
“We have been working diligently to get to where we can take our place alongside other local iwi Ngati Ranginui and Ngati Pukenga to progress our Treaty settlement grievances as a united Tauranga Moana sub-region.
Terms of negotiation set out the rules of engagement for a comprehensive settlement of the iwi’s claims in the Tauranga Moana area.
The Minister’s presence in Tauranga for the signing is a signal Tauranga Moana's Treaty grievances are a priority. Ngai Te Rangi is now in a position to sit down with him and talk about the hard issues associated with moving towards a Treaty settlement.
Kaumatua Hauata Palmer says he is pleased to see the conclusion of this task.
“I have witnessed the benefits that come to those tribes who have already settled and I look forward to our tribe reaching the next key milestone with the finalisation of a settlement.
“There is much the local Tauranga community doesn’t know about the history of confiscation and broken promises. We hope people will become interested in the history behind our claim and why it is necessary to acknowledge what happened, reach an agreement on redress and then we can all move on together.”
The current Government has set some ambitious goals for settling tribal Treaty grievances throughout the country by 2014. All going well, Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Pukenga and Ngai Te Rangi will reach the end goal with settlement by the end of 2011. With the terms of negotiations finally endorsed progress should now quicken.
Palmer says the aspiration of Ngai Te Rangi to bring all hapu along has not been lost with the recent challenges facing Nga Potiki hapu members.
“We continue to aspire to have Nga Potiki join with the rest of the Ngai Te Rangi hapu to progress our settlement in a united way. We are ready to sit down and talk with their representatives when they are ready.
“But time is quickly going by and the remaining Ngai Te Rangi hapu are ready to act on progressing claims now.”