Pro- Abortion Demonstration Court of Appeal
Pro- Abortion Demonstration Court of Appeal
It is disappointing that a group of students are holding a political demonstration in front of the Court of Appeal this day, Tuesday 5th October. It is a long established convention that the judiciary should be protected from pressure exerted by groups that seek to influence the outcome of important cases. The Court of Appeal is currently considering submissions made by the Abortion Supervisory Committee in their appeal against certain findings in the High Court and submissions made by Right to Life in support of its cross appeal. It is outrageous and wrong for this misguided group to be seeking to exert pressure on the Court. It is the function of the Courts to interpret legislation by Parliament free from those who would seek to influence the Court. The demonstrating group seeks a law change that would remove legal protection for the health and welfare of women and for the life of weak and defenceless unborn children. This is not the business of the Courts but of Parliament.
It is appropriate that the demonstrators are wearing red. The colour reminds us of the spilt blood of unborn children when they are dismembered in their mother’s womb. These young demonstrators should recognise that they are abortion survivors. They should consider that for every three births in New Zealand one child is destroyed in its mother’s womb. They would be serving the common good if they sought stop the violence against women and their unborn by promoting a culture of life and opposing a culture of death.