Counting the real cost of crime
MEDIA RELEASE 18 February 2011
Counting the real cost
of crime
A public forum in Wellington on Monday will address one of the most contentious political issues of recent times—the fiscal cost of crime and the state’s response to it. Hosted by Victoria University’s Institute of Policy Studies and the Robson Hanan Trust, The Costs of Crime – towards fiscal responsibility will hear from experts in law, politics, social work, psychology and academia on the costs of crime to individuals and society.
One of the event organisers, Professor Jonathan Boston of Victoria University, says that not only does crime cause harm to individuals and society, it is also very costly for the state.
“These costs depend not only on the nature and level of crime, but also on how governments choose to respond. Some interventions, such as lengthy prison sentences, impose significant fiscal costs.” Professor Boston says the forum has several aims, including identifying the most cost-effective ways of responding to crime and addressing the harm it causes.
“A key focus will be on public expenditure in the criminal justice system. But other costs will also be considered, including those borne by non-governmental organisations, the victims and others who are affected.
” Forum contributors include Minister of Justice Hon Simon Power, Superior Court of California Judge Hon Eugene Hyman, Director of the Rethinking Crime and Punishment project Kim Workman, Head of Victoria’ School of Psychology Professor Tony Ward, Chief Executive of the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges and CEO of Victim Support Tony Paine.