Denial of jury trial would be a miscarriage of justice
Denial of jury trial would be a miscarriage of justice
“The denial of a jury trial for the 18 defendants in the so-called “Terror Raids” would be just another step in the continuing miscarriage of justice that has occurred prior to the raids and the raids themselves in October 2007,” said Robert Reid, General Secretary of the National Distribution Union.
Yesterday, the 18 defendants were heard by the Court of Appeal in their attempt to ensure a full jury trial, rather than by a judge alone.
The Court of Appeal has not yet announced its decision.
Robert Reid said that the public could have no confidence in a trial without a full jury.
“The raids, the police terrorising of Tuhoe, the detention of many of the defendants for up to a month, the subsequent decision of the Solicitor General that no offence was committed under the Terrorism Suppression Act and the long drawn out legal process show this as the farce that it is,” he said.
“The National Distribution Union has members, former members and friends among the defendants."
"Arrested Tuhoe activist Tame Iti was a long term member of the NDU (through the Engine Drivers Union) when he worked at Kawerau during the 1970s and 1980s. He has been a friend of this union and its Rununga ever since."
“It is time to repeal these Terrorism Suppression laws, it is time to stand up for our human and trade union rights and deal with the real terrorists against working people in New Zealand and around the world."