Doorways To New Future For Community Housing
Planning a new future for the non-government community housing sector in New Zealand is the focus of a range of events next week, including:
- *The two-day national conference of Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA)*, *being held in Auckland on Tuesday/ Wednesday 22-23 March, *where there will be an opportunity to:
- Hear from Housing Minister Phil Heatley and Auckland Mayor Len Brown about their views on how community housing organisations can help increase the supply and diversity of available social housing
- Gain lessons from the Australian approach to growing its community housing sector from former Housing New Zealand chief executive Michael Lennon, now the chief executive of Housing Choices Australia
- Focus on potential growth options from an iwi perspective through a presentation by *Jeremy Gardiner, *chief executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa
- Hear about efforts by Habitat for Humanity and other CHA members to aid the Christchurch City recovery
- Tour successful housing projects in Auckland
- *The launch of a nationwide community housing campaign, "Doorways to Community Housing",* including:
- Release of a new publication titled "Doorways" for raising awareness about the role played by community housing as a viable provider of affordable housing options in New Zealand - *preview copies available on request to *
- A set of poster artwork based around the theme of putting more people into more community based housing
During the week other opportunities to focus on housing include:
The national forum of the New Zealand Coalition to End
Homelessness on Thursday 24 March, also in Auckland -
A visit to New Zealand by Andrew Leach, chief executive of
Canada's *Aboriginal Housing* Management