MFAT Update 13 - Japan earthquake and tsunami
MFAT Media Update 13
Japan earthquake and
12.35pm, 18 March 2011
• We advise against all non-essential travel to Tokyo and northern Honshu due to the ongoing risk of disruptions to essential services such as transport, communications, electric power and other infrastructure and the supply of goods and strong aftershocks.
• New Zealanders currently in Tokyo and northern Honshu are advised to leave either to other parts of Japan or destinations outside the country unless their presence is essential. Please see for full details.
• Commercial flights continue to operate from Japan. The New Zealand Embassy has representatives based at Narita airport to provide consular assistance to New Zealanders.
• New Zealanders requiring assistance to depart should go to and follow the instructions provided.
• New Zealand’s travel advice is in line with that provided by our consular partners (Australia, US, UK and Canada) to their nationals. The Ministry is closely monitoring the situation.
• There are no reports of New Zealand casualties or injuries.
• Reflecting registrations via our Safetravel site, Wellington crisis centre and the Embassy in Japan, MFAT has now confirmed 2104 New Zealanders are safe and well in Japan
• Embassy staff are providing a range of consular assistance to New Zealanders affected by the disaster; this includes visiting hospitals and evaluation centres. Embassy staff are also arranging transportation for New Zealanders from Sendai to Tokyo.
• New Zealanders in Japan who are concerned about their safety should contact the Embassy on +81 3 3467 2271 or MFAT crisis centre on +64 4 439 8000.
• New Zealanders who are unable to contact family in the northeast of Japan should contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on: 0800 432 111; If calling from overseas call +64 4 439 8000
• New Zealanders in Japan are asked to register their details on