Keep the Coal in the Hole
Keep the Coal in the Hole - Dunedin and Invercargill public meetings
Media advisory: Coal Action Network
Sunday 17th April 2011
This week, Coal Action Network Aotearoa presents two public meetings featuring Jeanette Fitzsimons, long-time climate change campaigner and former co-leader of the Green Party, on the proposed massive expansion of lignite mining in Southland and why it must not go ahead.
Public Meeting:
Southland Forest and Bird are hosting a
CAN Aotearoa Public Meeting
with Jeanette
Tuesday 19 April, 7pm - 9pm
Holy Trinity
Church Hall, 61 King St, Windsor, Invercargill
Public Meeting:
CAN Aotearoa Public Meeting with Jeanette
Wednesday 20 April, 6:30-9.30pm
Archway 3
Lecture Theatre, corner Union Street East and Leith Walk,
Solid Energy have applied for resource consent for the first phase of its plans to exploit billions of tonnes of dirty lignite coal in Southland. If they are allowed to go ahead this will dramatically raise New Zealand's carbon emissions and will cause other major environmental and social consequences.
Jeanette will provide a presentation and facilitate a discussion on what is happening and how people can get involved.
Tea and coffee will follow. Entry by koha.
Media welcome