Stamping Out Management's Bad Attitude
This Friday, we're going to get New Zealand Post's attention. We're going to buy a stamp.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday 9 June 2011
The Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank is under immediate threat of closure by NZ Post management.
Save Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank spokesperson Victor Billot says NZ Post management have arrogantly refused to listen to their customers and their owners, refusing to meet with local customers and receive a petition which has now been signed by nearly 2500 people.
But he says due to the strong community support, the campaign is asking people to "stamp" out NZ Post management's bad attitude.
The Save Dunedin Metro Post Shop and Kiwibank campaign is inviting the customers and people of Dunedin, who are of course some of the owners of NZ Post, to a very special event or two!
We will be
lining up and buying a stamp each and showing Dunedin just
how big queues will get at Moray Place if Dunedin Metro is
12.30PM MONDAY 13 JUNE 2011
We will be lining up and buying a stamp
to show just how many people use this Post Shop.
Campaign spokesperson Victor Billot says Dunedin people don't have to accept decisions made by head office managers who do not know our city and who have refused to come down and discuss the issues.
"New Zealand Post and Kiwibank are owned by us, the people of New Zealand. We are their customers. We are the people who generated over $73 million profit for them last year, and NZ Post management say they can't keep a major central city facility open?"
"Who do they think they are?"
Mr Billot says NZ Post management want Dunedin people to quietly go away and accept their bad decisions and poor behaviour.
"Well, they obviously don't understand how things are done in Dunedin."