PM & Labour Leader believe Human Life begins at Quickening
Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition believe Human Life begins at Quickening
Right to Life is disappointed and disturbed that the Prime Minister, John Key and the Leader of the Opposition, Phil Goff believes that human life begins at quickening. The Prime Minister, John Key and Phil Goff made this statement in response to the question "When does human life begin?" at a recent NZ Forum on the Family.
The astounding response of the two political leaders who are seeking to lead our nation for the next three years raises serious questions. The first duty of the government they both seek to lead is to protect the right to life of every member of the human community from conception to natural death.
As they hold that human life does not commence till quickening do they believe that the killing of nearly 17,550 babies by abortion in the womb between ten and twelve weeks ie before quickening as acceptable, as it does not constitute a violation of the human rights of the child and a crime against humanity?
The Royal Commission on Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion, in its report to Parliament in 1977 stated that they had received expert biological evidence from around the world confirming that human life began at conception. The Commission also stated that the child from implantation has a status which entitles it to preservation and protection and that from implantation to birth, changes in the unborn child are of a developmental nature only.
"The three events suggested as being of significance, namely, quickening, viability and brain development, are no more than stages in that development and are not indicative of any qualitative changes in the developing child which would make it non-human at one point of time and human at another."
Right to Life asks of the above leaders the following questions;
Do the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition accept the finding of the Royal Commission that human life begins at conception?
If so what action will they take to protect the right to life of unborn children who are the weakest and most defenceless members of our human family?
Ken Orr
Right to Life New Zealand Inc