Statement on Taito Phillip Field's parole
The hearing for the offender FIELD was held
this morning, and a full decision with reasons will be
available in due course - this process usually takes between
a week and ten days.
The Board in every case considers the safety of the community as its prime objective, and in this case the panel considering the risk of the offender has decided to release FIELD on Parole.
"Safety is the Board's primary focus, and the assessment of risk is a very strenuous, and scientific process - it's also important to remember that other aspects of the legalisation state that an offender cannot be kept in prison longer than is consistent with the safety of the community."
For your information the Board is bound by legalisation, when making its decisions. Please note specifically:
s7.2(a); Guiding principles(1) When making decisions about, or in any way relating to, the release of an offender, the paramount consideration for the Board in every case is the safety of the community.(2) Other principles that must guide the Board's decisions are—(a) that offenders must not be detained any longer than is consistent with the safety of the community, and that they must not be subject to release conditions that are more onerous, or last longer, than is consistent with the safety of the community.The release will be towards the end of this month with conditions remaining in place until his sentence end date in October 2015.