Game Animal Bill “a small step but in the right direction”
Game Animal Bill “a small step but in the right direction”.
The introduction in Parliament today of a bill to establish a council representing sectors with interests in the management of New Zealand’s big game animals is the result of a decade of hard work by hunting interests.
“Recreational hunters had long advocated for a say in how valued game animals were managed and this bill would give hunters a statutory forum, where in collaboration with other interest groups, good advice would be put together for the Minister of Conservation.”
The Bill does not provide everything included in the report provided by the ministerial appointed committee that spent nearly two years researching and consulting, and many hunters would be disappointed by the limited hunter representation on the proposed council of eleven.
Also of concern says Mr McIver is the apparent limitation on funding streams that may limit the management functions of the council.
Mr McIver does commend the provision for the council to set standards for hunting activities and to educate and train hunters in safe practices.
“The bill will take some careful examination and the select committee process will be interesting but at last the bill is before parliament and that is progress.”
NZDA recognises the significant contributions made by politicians from all parties and in particular Peter Dunne and UnitedFuture.