Election 2011 Public Meeting Announcement
Election 2011 Public Meeting Announcement
Ahead of this year's election, the Campaign for Better Transport will be hosting a public meeting on Thursday 10th November, 7:00pm at the Pioneer Women's and Ellen Melville Hall, Freyberg Place, Auckland Central.
Representatives from the main political parties have been invited to explain their policies on transport, with a focus on the Auckland region. Confirmed speakers for the public meeting include:
Bennett, MP (National)
Shane Jones, MP (Labour)
Hughes, MP (Greens)
Don Brash (ACT)
Spokesperson Cameron Pitches says there is huge support for public transport in Auckland, but the key question is around funding.
"The meeting is a great opportunity for the main political parties to stand up and explain how central Government transport funds can best be spent for the benefit of Auckland's economy," says Mr Pitches.
Each speaker will be given 10 minutes to explain their party's stance on all modes of transport and issues that affect the Auckland region in particular. Audience members will be invited to ask questions after all speakers have presented their policies.
The meeting is open to all members of the public, however as space is limited free tickets must be obtained through http://bettertransportnov11.eventbrite.com/