Abortion Statistics down for the year ended December, 2010
Abortion Statistics down for the year ended December, 2010
“16,630 abortions are 920
less than in 2009, which is something to be grateful for,”
says Bernard Moran, National President of Voice for Life.
“It’s bad luck for the 16,630 babies who are now dead.
A Supreme Court judge admitted that our abortion law is based on convenience rather than in ethical or medical grounds.
As in Roman times, NZ parents have been granted the power of life and death over their preborn child.
The thumbs turned down, so 16,630 babies died, the victims of that choice.
Meanwhile, couples all over NZ who face infertility and look with fragile hope to adopting a baby and providing a loving home, face disappointment.
Those 16,630 dead babies are a symbol of the failure of imagination and will on the part of government, social services and the medical profession to look at humane alternatives to abortion.
Those babies didn’t have to die. They may have been unwanted by their parents, but they would have been wanted by plenty of others.
NZ once led
the world in social reform. We can do so again in devising
ways of support and care to ensure that innocent and
vulnerable babies survive the thumbs down.