Community Wheel of Action Highlights Action Kiwis Can Take
‘Community Wheel of Action’ highlights actions all New Zealanders can take for children
Every Child Counts
1000 days to get it right for every child: ‘Community Wheel of Action’ highlights actions all New Zealanders can take for children
As the political parties launch their election campaigns, Every Child Counts* is publishing a new resource to encourage all New Zealanders, including politicians, to think about the actions they can take to improve life for children.
The ‘Community Wheel of Action’ includes suggestions such as businesses providing flexible working arrangements, governments using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in policy development, and news media including the views of children and families on issues that affect them.
“New Zealanders are increasingly aware of our nation’s poor performance on a range of child wellbeing measures, and the economic and social costs that go with this. The ‘Community Wheel of Action’ identifies the actions all New Zealanders can take to help get it right for every child,” said Murray Edridge, Chair of Every Child Counts.
“As part of our campaign for more effective investment in the first 1000 days of a child’s life (the early years), we want people to understand that every one of us can play a part for children. When we get it right for children we will all benefit.
“The ‘Community Wheel of Action’ provides practical examples of the things people can do to help address New Zealand’s poor child outcomes and create stronger communities that support families, such as providing support for parents that builds their self-esteem and confidence,” said Mr Edridge.
Speaking about the role of faith-based communities, Lisa Beech of Catholic social justice agency Caritas said, “We welcome this resource and the practical ideas it provides for all New Zealanders. Faith communities support the wellbeing of children and their families through the small actions members are able to take as individuals, families and communities, and through advocacy for fair and just social policies.”
Rev’d Dr Hone Kaa agreed, saying that “Making progress for tamariki and turning around the shocking statistics that reflect children’s suffering will create a much safer and productive society. I hope that all whānau, marae, hapū and iwi will embrace the ideas in the wheel of action and reflect on their roles.”
“Large posters of the wheel will be distributed throughout the country and we hope they will stimulate discussions and action that benefit children. The wheel is also available online in both colour web2.pdf and black and white BW.pdf . We encourage people all over the country to access it and share this resource with others in their community.
“As the wheel suggests, Every Child Counts urges people to engage with MPs and political candidates and encourage them to take action for children too, especially in the lead up to the election,” said Mr Edridge. ENDS.