Launch of New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse Website
10 November 2011
Launch of New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse Website
The launch of a new New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse (NZFVCH) website will give New Zealand greater access to family violence research says the Families Commission.
The Families Commission, which has responsibility for the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, is pleased to announce that the new website is operational. This project is part of a new partnership between the Commission and the University of Auckland.
“The purpose of the website,” says Chief Families Commissioner Carl Davidson, “is to make information available to people working in violence prevention. Better information means better results, and it’s in the interests of all New Zealanders that our response to family violence draws on the best research from around the world.
“The vision of the Families Commission is to be a centre of excellence for knowledge about New Zealand families and whānau. Working with the NZFVCH is part of that vision to ensure we can advocate for the interests of families from a strong evidential base.”
“Evidence must form the basis of our response to preventing family violence, and campaigns such as our White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women and the its not OK campaign, will benefit from fast and efficient access to the best evidence from around the world.”
“The Clearinghouse draws on the expert leadership and academic excellence exemplified by Dr Janet Fanslow, whose work has contributed greatly to understanding family violence in New Zealand, and Associate Professor Robyn Dixon, who has extensive experience in leading multidisciplinary teams in research and evaluation projects.”
“By ensuring high quality research is readily available we are in a much better position to move New Zealand to a violence-free future.”
The NZFVCH website is accessible at