How bullying affects us: refugee-background youth talk back
How bullying affects us: refugee-background youth talk back
Settling into a new school can be difficult for anyone, but young people from refugee backgrounds can find it particularly hard. Bullying is not just about getting beaten up. It can include name-calling, intimidation and ostracism. For refugee-background young people, it includes being mocked for their accent, their clothing, the colour of their skin.
How bullying affects us: refugee-background youth talk back is a resource that explores the impact of bullying on refugee-background high school students.
ChangeMakers Refugee Forum and Voice Arts Trust worked with Collabor8 - a group of eight refugee-background youth who live in the Wellington region - documenting youths' views about bullying and designing a drama, which was performed on World Refugee Day 2011.
Insights into life as a refugee-background student as well as Collabor8's performance are now available on DVD to schools, communities, and organisations. A booklet with information about how bullying affects refugee-background youth and bullying as a human rights issue comes with the DVD. It includes discussion guides for educators, schools, families and communities, and a comprehensive list of places to go for more information and support.
The DVD and
booklet are for now available for sale.
$10 for
individuals / $20 for schools and NGOs / $30 for government
agencies. An order form is available here.