Save the Basin - Public Protest 24 November 2011
Save the Basin - Public Protest
Thursday 24
Basin Reserve, Kent Terrace
Just before elections the public will have another chance to protest against the roading plans through Mt Victoria and Haitaitai. Many Wellingtonians strongly oppose the roading plans and the flyover along the basin reserve. The protest is self-directed. People can plan their trip to home from work along the basin. Drivers will see masses of people walking and cycling around the basin. They will all be there to show that they want a different future. A basin reserve with walking and cycling facilities, and not a highway that will cut the community and destroy the heritage character of the area around the basin reserve.
What will happen:
Hundreds of people are expected at the Basin Reserve on Thur 24 November between 5.30pm and 6pm.
Wellingtonians young and old, and any culture and background will walk or ride your bike or skateboard around the outside of the basin.
Facebook event page:
The event announcement:
Background information:
The current government plans to spend 75 million dollars to build a flyover (Option A or B) which will effect the livelihood of Hataitai, Mt Victoria as well as the inner city. Both proposed flyovers will impact on the character of the Basin Reserve on the iconic Basin Reserve - whether it is noise levels or a necessary chance to the iconic buildings. Option X that was prepared by the Architectural Centre and favoured by Wellington City Council and many residents never received a serious response from the government. Then there is also a wealth of research that disputes the building and the benefit of roads altogether. Investments in public transport and cycling and walking infrastructure will have greater impact on reducing congestion and will only cost a fraction of the current roading plans.
Further background information on "Save the Basin Reserve" campaign, visit