Media Release: 30 November 2011
Much expected for community housing in next 3 years
Community Housing Aotearoa, a national peak body for not-for-profit housing providers, will hold its seventh annual AGM in Manukau today.
Following the AGM an open forum is being held to discuss how the government and community sector can partner to ensure a better future for social and affordable housing. Michael Pead, the interim director of the new Social Housing Unit, will be present for the forum.
The AGM follows days after an intense period of election campaigning during which New Zealand’s three major political parties put forward a consensus position on community housing.
“One of the interesting things to look at and consider during the 2011 Election campaigning was the notable level of cross-party support being given to the growth of a viable third sector for housing, particularly between the policies of the National, Labour and Green parties who between them now hold 107 seats in Parliament,” says David McCartney, Executive
Relevant excerpts from those respective policies are:
National: To work closely with social housing providers and Community Housing Aotearoa to grow the total amount of social housing available, in areas of most need.
Labour: (To) work with the community housing sector to develop it in ways that will see it complementing an increase in HNZC social housing stock through access to capital and land.
Greens: Expanding the third sector ... By funding a diverse mix of housing options in the public and community sectors (to) better meet the needs of our diverse society.
“A good challenge for the next three years will be to ensure that this consensus translates into an even greater focus on the support needed to expand our sector,” says David McCartney.
“As soon as the next term of Parliament starts and Ministerial porfolios are allocated we'll get that process rolling with our own 'Briefing to Incoming Ministers' and a round of calls, letter writing and face to face meetings”.