More than 14,000 signatures on petition as deadline looms
March 25, 2012
More than 14,000 signatures on petition as deadline looms
The group campaigning to create a river park and reserve out of the Avon River Red Zone has more than 14,000 signatures on its petition to Parliament – and is confident this number will increase.
It is calling for all people who have been collecting signatures to return their completed petition forms now, as the March 31 deadline approaches.
Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) spokesman Mark Gibson said the group had been counting signatures as they came in, and was now beginning to bind the completed sheets, ready for presentation.
“Everyone who has been collecting signatures should send in any full sheets they may have now,” Mr Gibson said. “We encourage them to keep collecting right up to the March 31 deadline, and then send the remainder in straight away.”
The petition asks Parliament “to work with the people and local authorities of Christchurch to turn the Avon River red zone into a reserve and river park when the home owners have to leave the area”.
Completed forms should be sent to the address on the top of the petition sheets, PO Box 18-786, New Brighton, Christchurch 8641.
The petition will be presented in May. Representatives of AvON will fly to Wellington to present it to sponsoring MPs Lianne Dalziel and Eugenie Sage on the steps of Parliament.
AvON is a not-for-profit group. Its vision is to “establish a community-driven science-informed living memorial to rejuvenate and nurture the long-term environmental, economic, community and spiritual wellbeing of the eastern suburbs and of those living throughout greater Christchurch. Our aim is to turn a tragedy into an opportunity, a polluted drain into a vibrant river system, and exhaustion and despair into hope and inspiration.”