Nationwide groups join for frack free Aotearoa/NZ
Press release - for immediate release
Date: Sunday May
6th 2012
Nationwide groups join for frack free Aotearoa/NZ
A national gathering of scientists, farmers,
councilors, parents and
activists from groups around the
country met today in Wellington to
srategise for a frack
free Aotearoa/NZ. The movement to stop fracking
Aotearoa is growing strongly as more and more
frack-free zones are being
declared and the push for a
moratorium gathers momentum.
A demonstration is planned
for tomorrow lunchtime in Wellington to protest
The demonstration will join whanau who have traveled with
the No
Asset Sales hikoi, to also protest deep sea oil
drilling in Aotearoa. More
activities have been planned
for the rest of the