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Quality home and community support

Revised NZS 8158 Standard helps ensure people receive quality home and community support

Standards New Zealand has facilitated the revision New Zealand's Home and community support sector Standard, NZS 8158. Standards New Zealand Chief Executive Debbie Chin says that the revised Standard (NZS 8158:2012), 'reflects a fundamental shift towards support that allows people to make decisions about their lives and how they want to live. It also reflects a stronger focus on outcomes for people receiving support.'

Key focus of the revised Standard

'NZS 8158 supports nationally consistent quality expectations across the health and disability sector by aligning with the Health and disability services Standards (NZS 8134) where this is appropriate. It also recognises that providing support in a person's home or in the community has implications for relationships between both parties.

'In addition, the Standard reflects how the type of support provided is evolving as more people with acute and complex needs are being supported to live in their homes for longer.'

The Standard ensures that organisations are assessed on outcomes achieved for people receiving services and on compliance with procedures that support good outcomes. It will also assist in meeting obligations under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights (the Code), a regulation under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994.

NZS 8158 applies to organisations and service providers who are either publicly or privately contracted to provide home and community support. It covers people receiving home and community services for long-term support (such as people with disabilities or chronic health conditions, or frail older people), short-term support (such as people recently discharged from hospital), and palliative care.

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Home and community-based support services – inclusions and exclusions

Home and community support services include a range of activities to support people to look after themselves or others, move around, communicate, find information, and make decisions. NZS 8158 sets out what people receiving support in a home or community setting can expect from the services they receive and the minimum requirements for service providers.

NZS 8158 applies to, but is not limited to, the following home and community-based support services.
• Personal care and household management
• Developing, maintaining, or restoring daily living skills to maximise independence and participation in valued social roles
• Access to social services and participation in community activities
The following are excluded from NZS 8158.
• Services provided by registered health practitioners working in the capacity of their registration but who are not employed or contracted by organisations subject to this Standard
• Certified health and disability services that are subject to NZS 8134 Health and disability services Standards, and are not providing home and community services, separate to disability services that they provide
• Family and whānau members who are not employed by an organisation
Development of the Standard

An expert committee of representatives from 21 nominating organisations updated the Standard. The revision included widespread consultation with stakeholders, technical review by industry experts, and public input, to bring the Standard up to date with changes in home and community services in the health and disability sector.

The revision of NZS 8158 was sponsored by the Ministry of Health, ACC, and The New Zealand Home Health Association Inc.

NZS 8158 includes general guidance and examples on how to meet the standards and related criteria in the Standard.

Order NZS 8158:2012 from or call 0800 782 632 during business hours, or email

Related Standards
• NZS 8134.0:2008 Health and disability services Standards – Health and disability services (general) Standard
• NZS 8134.1:2008 Health and disability services Standards – Health and disability services (core) Standards
• NZS 8134.2:2008 Health and disability services Standards – Health and disability services (restraint minimisation and safe practice) Standards
• NZS 8134.3:2008 Health and disability services Standards – Health and disability services (infection prevention and control) Standards
• NZS 8134.7:2010 Health and disability services Standards – Pharmacy services Standard
• NZS 8134:2008 Set Health and disability services Standards set
• NZS 8134:2008 Binder
• SNZ HB 8134.1:2001 Health and Disability Sector Standards (Residential) Audit Workbook
• SNZ HB 8134.2:2001 Health and Disability Sector Standards (Hospital) Audit Workbook
• SNZ HB 8134.3:2004 Health and Disability Sector Standards (Intellectual Disability) Audit Workbook
• SNZ HB 8134.4:2004 Health and Disability Sector Standards (Children and Young People) Audit Workbook
• SNZ HB 8134.5:2005 Health and Disability Sector Standards – Proposed Audit Workbook and Guidance for Residential Services for People with Dementia
• SNZ HB 8134.6:2006 Best Practice Guidance for Community Services for People with Dementia and Proposed Audit Workbook
Related Touchstone articles
• Revised Health and disability services Standards – available now, December 2008
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