Helen Meads Family attends Domestic Violence Vigil
Helen Meads Family attends Domestic Violence Vigil
The father of murdered women Helen Meads will be attending the Matariki Candlelight Vigil on Mangere Mountain this Thursday morning. David White wrote a book about the tragic death of his daughter Helen who was murdered by her husband on their farm in Matamata in 2009. He confirmed that he will be travelling up from Hastings to commemorate his daughter and over 100 women and children who have died through domestic violence or child abuse.
Organiser, South Auckland Family Violence Prevention Network (SAFVPN) Manager Raewyn Bhana says, that having David Mead attend this vigil will give participants an idea of the affects DV has on families who have lost someone.
The vigil will open with Hon Dr Pita Sharples, MP for Tamaki Makaurau and Minister of Maori Affairs, who has always been a strong advocate for DV Free amongst Maori and the wider community.
While Superintendent John Tims of Counties Manukau Police and Auckland Regional Director of Child Youth and Family, Grant Bennett will be speaking on behalf of their agencies.
At the launch of his book “Helen” the Helen Meads Tragedy in Wellington earlier this year, Mr White said that he was proud of his daughter, “She was a wonderful person who was cut down in the prime of her life by a controlling and violent person”. Mr White will share his story at the vigil Ms Bhana said. The event will close with local Mangere MP Sua William Sio.
Over the past 5 years more than 100 women and children have been killed through Domestic Violence or Child Abuse.
This Matariki Candlelight Vigil is open to the public and starts at 6am on Thursday 21 June 2012 and following the commemoration a breakfast will be held at the Mangere Community Hall on Mangere Mountain.