Young Labour Thrilled At Drawing Of Marriage Equality Bill
Young Labour Thrilled At The Drawing Of Marriage
Equality Bill.
Young Labour Press
For immediate
Young Labour is thrilled that Labour MP Louisa Wall's marriage equality bill has been drawn from the ballot, and commends groups like the Young Nationals for moving with the times and supporting equal rights for same sex couples. This is fantastic news for all those involved in the push for a more equal New Zealand that strives to end discrimination and expand human rights, no matter which political party you support.
"It is high time that equal marriage rights, regardless of whom one loves, were a given for all New Zealanders. The time for this bill is now." Young Labour Rainbow Representative Sam Thompson said.
Thompson went on to encourage anyone who supports this bill to visit and visit or write to their local MP to let them know they support an end to discrimination based on sexuality.
"This is not just an issue for LGBT youth, this is a human rights issue and a generational one. If our representatives in Wellington really value equality and a fair go, they'll make a commitment to expand the right to marry to everyone who has a partner they love and want to spend their life with."
Thompson did acknowledge that not all have been so eager to endorse equality and end discrimination, pointing out it was disappointing to hear some Cabinet Ministers' first reactions to the bill being drawn. "Remarks by Bill English that he has not given the bill much thought echo Key's 'no clamour' sentiments aired earlier this year, and show that Key's National is out of touch with the equal rights movement."
"Earlier this year Marriage Equality and adoption reform were voted as the number one policy priority at the Young Labour conference and we feel the time for change is now, with recent polls showing a majority of New Zealanders also support ending discrimination for same sex couples."